BSc Operation Theatre & Anesthesia Technology

BSc Operation Theatre & Anesthesia Technology

The duration of  BSc Operation Theatre Technology is 3 + 1 year. This is a full-time degree course and to pursue this course every student must complete their 12th final year examination or any equivalent examination in the Science stream with Physics, Biology, and Chemistry as compulsory subjects from any recognized board. 

Students who want to pursue BSc Operation Theatre Technology course have to appear in the entrance examination before the admission process. More than 50% of marks are required to appear in the entrance examination and the minimum age of the student must be in-between 15-17 years.

BSc Operation Theatre Technology Course Highlights

The course highlights the BSc Operation Theatre Technology course are the following:-

Course Level Graduation
Full-Form Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Operation Theatre Technology
Duration 3 + 1 year


This course is all about managing the records of a patient and noticing every detail of an operation theatre including the disinfection and sterilization and taking care of all the surgical instruments